Friday, March 21, 2014

Social Media, What do I do


I am ran across a great article to help you be better at social media. Entrepreneur articles always get my mind moving! Remember social media is the way of the world, and you better catch up! Its not just luck its a strategy and approach to this!

XOXO LaShelle Denise Creative Group 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Giant That Would Not Change

Happy Thursday good people!

It's your social media creative innovator....  Today's lesson is the only thing that is constant is change.  In business we must always adapt and meet the needs of our constantly changing environments.  I find myself sometimes trying to find a way to ground myself so I know which way to change.  As I build this social media empire I try to learn from others mistakes. 

Here is an example of how a giant got so set in their ways that it could not change, would not change, or just could not see that it needed to change in time. There is a price you pay when you don't change!!!  Please don't keep doing the same things and expecting different results! I believe they call that insanity!

Blockbuster the former number one home video provider finally got the plug pulled on them.  Their parent company Dish Network finally said No Mas.  A little history in 2010 they filed bankruptcy but we all knew this day was coming where we could officially say goodbye.  The main culprit Netflix.  As you can see somone wront "LOL Netflix" in snow.   Hmmm let us take a moment and think about that, was it really just Netflix?  Seems as though it was  more so a lack of leadership and vision that lead to their demise. 

As LaShelle Denise Social Meida involves know that we will always strive to maintain a vision for the the future!  

The Creative Innovator

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Virgin, makes something boring great!

Great Marketing, does not come easy.  It takes creativity, research, and execution.  This in flight safety video Virgin Airlines just released is awesome.  It makes you excited to take off and you will pay attention.  Great way to be innovative! 

LaShelle Denise......Creative Innovator 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

When I am Lost.....1234

At times our creative juices can be low, our overall energy can be weak, and we are just not the force of nature we know we are destined to be.  What do you do?  Sometimes its just that we are off but often it is because we have surrounded ourselves with negative energy. 

1. Identify the  source of the energy.   
2. Find out why I am allowing this negative energy. 
3.  Come to terms with why this negative energy must be remove dno matter who it is . 
4.  Get rid of the negative energy.  

In my mind, I keep thinking: 
One bad business day could mean I am not attracting that one customer, one idea, one person or resource in my life that will lead me to where I want to be.   I live by Karma and I need to make sure its not a Bitch.   I came across this spinet from Oprah's life Class, that I am sure will hit home for you all.  

LaShelle Denise
Creative Innovator

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Are you too Medicore to judge athletes

As I watched the commentary of social media during the Olympics I keep having this same reoccurring thought:  Do people hold themselves to the same standard of excellence as they do athletes?  With your god giving gifts and talents are you maximizing your potential at work, at school, at home, at church, in your community?  If not why in the world do you have the ability to call someone else “Good” or “OK” or even “Aight” when at best you’re mediocre in your own everyday life.   If you are not getting better each day, each week, each year  in your own life then maybe you need to stop judging people so critically.  Forget about representing TEAM USA, can you even represent yourself.   I am very proud of all the athletes who represented TEAM USA at the 2012 London games.  If they placed or came in dead last, if they are professionals or amateurs  they all decided one day they would not be mediocre.  That should expire us all to stop being to mediocre in life.  

Friday, May 25, 2012

5 Songs that Get Me Ready For My Corporate Grind

Everyone needs motion.  I get mine from music that you might not realize can get your mind ready for the day.  Here is one list that has helped take me to the next level!   

Put on For My City~ Young Jeezy

Squares Up Out Your Circle ~Rocko ft. Future

Swag On ~Soulja Boy  

 Bout It Bout It ~ Master P

 Bomb First ~ 2Pac