Thursday, December 29, 2011

Good or Bad Money is a Sign....

Money Mindset Shift
Money is a sign that you are impacting the world

After I read a great article, about Money Mindset. This particular paragraph stuck out.

"Receiving money is a signal that you are being of service to the world. Receiving more money is a signal that you are being of more service! Whether you are reaching more people or charging more for your services, receiving money is another type of energetic exchange demonstrating that you are sharing your gifts in the world. Any mindset that has you believe that receiving money is wrong, bad or you are being too big…only holds you small and has you keep your gifts to yourself. Open up and allow in the flow!" Written by Laura West

What I got from it is that, good or bad money is a signal that you are performing a service to the world. I want to make sure in 2012 that my energetic exchanges are meaningful and positive!

In 2012 LaShelle Denise, LLC is ready to launch and let if flow!

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